
Figaro for Kids
Saturday, October 1, 2022
4:00 PM
The Phipps Center for the Arts

Riley McNutt (FFK 2022)
Riley McNutt: Off-Broadway and Theater Latte Da: All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. Theater Latte Da: All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914,12 Angy Men, A Little Night Music, Six Degrees of Separation, Ragtime. Artistry: A New Brain, Phantom, Les Miserables, La Cage Aux Folle, Caberet, Fiddler on the Roof, Noises Off. Flying Foot Forum: Heaven. Minnesota Orchestra: Carousel. Trademark Theater: The Boy and Robinhood. Ghoulish Delights: Prescription Murder. Old Log Theater: How I Became a Pirate. Skylark Opera: Wonderful Town, Candide, The Vagabond King, Mlle Modiste. The Ordway Center: Beautiy and the Beast. Minnesota Opera: Chorus for three seasons.